Bible Study

Various Bible Study Groups take place at St Andrew’s.

The Bible Fellowship meets once per month to follow a course of study selected by mem- bers of the group. Each month a different member of the group leads the study. Some studies are led by the Minister. Recent subjects have included the Sermon on the Mount, The Parables, Philip Yancey’s course ‘What’s so amazing about Grace?’ and the Book of Revelation.

The Manse Bible Studies, led by the Minister, take place once a year over a period of 4 to 6 weeks.

The Women’s Bible Fellowship meets on a monthly basis.

Eco Congregation

The Church of Scotland has a strong concern for Christian stewardship of God’s beautiful world. To this end, it has created an Eco Congregation scheme, which has almost 300 members.

Recently St Andrew’s has decided to take part and has set up a small committee, the Ecogroup, which is applying to register the church as an eco congregation. We hope to do this in conjunction with our twinned church in Adentan. We want the goal of ‘protection of the environment’ integrated into the life of St Andrew’s, be it in Christian education, in worship, in awareness raising in the congregation at large, and in trying to have energy saving and less waste in the buildings. After registration we shall continue to implement our plans to improve the ecological footprint of St Andrew’s.