Christian Aid

If you would like to donate to Christian Aid, please send your donation to the church account and mention ‘Christian Aid’ in the communication. Bank account details are: Account no. (IBAN): BE83 3631 3549 6815

Kirk Session News – January 2023

Reverend Eric Foggitt and the Elders of St. Andrew’s meet up on average 10 times a year to discuss Church matters and take consensual decisions. The business discussed is treated with absolute discretion. However, to lift an imaginary veil of secrecy, we would like to give you a glimpse of what happened at the last Kirk session in January.

Organisation of the Burns Supper on 21st January was a key point on the agenda. A very special event to further cohesion amongst church members, especially after 3 years pandemic-related interruption. The evening represents one of our major fund-raising efforts. Beneficiaries were the Ladybrand children’s hospice in South Africa which we have supported for 20 years, Ukraine and our own Emergency Fund.

As usual, various pastoral matters were discussed, one of the recurrent items being members of the congregation who are unwell and how we can keep contact and help out, always whilst strictly ensuring privacy for everyone whom we care for.

A further item was the preparations for the visit of the International Presbytery in March. Ministers and elders from as far away as Sri Lanka & Bermuda, as well as various corners of Europe will be meeting here in Brussels. St Andrew’s will be the host this time.

We continue to need new volunteers for various jobs, not only to help with coffee/teas at the church, flower rota, but also to help with some admin jobs and organisation of church events. Please do not hesitate to contact any elder to offer your services.

Help for Ukraine

Financial Donations

We are supporting the Hungarian Reformed Church’s aid efforts.  Our church in Budapest is helping refugees with food and accommodation.  Financial contributions can be made to:

  • Beneficiary: Magyar Református Szeretetszolgálat Közhasznú Alapítvány (Hungarian Reformed Church Aid Public Foundation)
  • IBAN: HU67 1070 2019 8500 8898 5110 0005
  • Name of the Bank: CIB BANK Ltd.
  • Address of the Bank: Medve u. 4-14., 1027 Budapest, Hungary
  • Payment Remark: Ukraine

Thank you for your contributions.

Christian Aid

If you would like to donate to Christian Aid, please send your donation to the church account and mention ‘Christian Aid’ in the communication. Bank account details are: Account no. (IBAN): BE83 3631 3549 6815

Donations & Offerings

Although we have not been able to meet for worship in the church, the work of the church goes on and your offerings would be appreciated via online transfer.

These are difficult times for many, so please don’t feel obliged to contribute if you are not able.

For those who are able to contribute, thank you for your offering.

The church bank details are:

  • Account no. (IBAN): BE83 3631 3549 6815
  • BIC (for transfers from abroad): BBRUBEBB

St. Andrew’s Church of Scotland is an international and diverse Presbyterian church in Brussels, Belgium. We aspire to follow Jesus in bringing the knowledge of God’s love to all.